Friday, April 29, 2011

The Kilt

O.K... So I finally have some dudes on here! They are, however, wearing skirts, but never the less, these dudes are all man.

I wish we would see more guys sportin' the 'Kilt'. Me, having a Scottish heritage, actually was given one that my mom had found second hand. I wore it once to a Bar-B-Q and found it quite comfortable. If you think about it, it actually makes more sense for men to wear skirts.

'Scotts' are the kings of accessories! A straight man can purchase everything from shoes with laces that go around your legs, to broaches, man bags (sporrans) , daggers, hats, knee high socks, etc., etc. Personally, I prefer Doc Martins and lumber jack socks.

So hats off to Josh and his best man for sportin' the 'Kilt'. To see more of Josh and his wedding photos, go to my Soul Exposure Blog.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I think its safe to say that all Calgarians are tired of snow. Waking up to another big dump of snow does nothing for my motivation. It's good, however, to pull out your stylin' winter boots for one last romp in the snow.

Kristan did just that today. I love furry boots. If I we're a chick, I would definitely get a pair, but being a guy, I might get beat up or picked-up.


Last night I was shooting an event at the Art Gallery of Calgary. Jill looked great, as usual, wearing a saucy little glamorous skirt and suede boots.

I asked Jill to tell me something about her outfit. She replied, "I love my skirt! When I wear it, I can dress 'Glam' anytime of the day and for any occasion."

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kick Ass Boots

Karaline was kickin' ass today in her 'Joie' knee-high leather boots. She purchased them at Holt's.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring Slush

Calgary weather has a large impact on our styles. With the record snowfall this spring, snow removal crews struggled to keep up. We became very familiar with the term "soaker" just by walking down a city sidewalk or getting out of our cars.

"Christine" was sportin' the perfect remedy to the "soaker" the other day when I saw her. She was well put together in her Houndstooth rubber boots and all black, from sleek hair to ankle socks. She purchased her boots from Target during her last trip South. Rumours have it that Target is coming to Canada.